
Company Profile

Geocartography Knowledge Group (GCKG) is a unique research institute that aims to provide itsclients with comprehensive tailor made solutions, using advanced and unconventional research tools and models that provide practical knowledge and insights

The company is headed by Prof. Avi Degani and Dr. Rina Degani, along with a professional and skilled team of senior researchers with academic degrees from various fields, which enables us to reflect the company’s expertise and professional uniqueness, and emphasize its ability to integrate diverse areas of expertise.

 geokcartography works for its clients from the identification and definition of goals, formulation of appropriate methodologies, data collection, through in-depth analyzes of the market, the competition environment and customers, and the development of unique models that help to plan a business-marketing strategy, as well as advising companies and various entities in a variety of market sectors and areas of activity, including in the implementation stages

The company operates in a number of areas, and provides the customer with a variety of solutions:

The scientific and professional ability is based on 30 years of experience and development of pioneering research at an international level in the fields of information strategy, commercial, public and social organizations, implementation of geographic information systems, computerized models in the study of urban, regional and national space, as well as calculations of economic-commercial potential. All of these are currently integrated into all areas of the Company’s research-applied activity, while continuing to invest in R & D.

A wide range of capabilities, all in-house – surveys, data collection, analytical mapping, diverse and unique methodologies, provides the company with research and operational flexibility, the ability to run quality control processes and speed of execution. The methodologies are characterized by dynamic perception and diverse presentation capabilities.

geokg has a strong logistics system, which includes broad capabilities in the organization and management of complex research systems, including sectors populations, and the range of quantitative and qualitative techniques:

Geocartography Knowledge Group is a member of ESOMAR and the Israeli Research Institutes Association.
Prof. Degani is ESOMAR’s representative in Israel.

The Company

The company employs more than 40 analysts and employees, with experience and professional seniority, from complementary fields of research, including economics, business administration, communications, psychology, social sciences, anthropology, Information systems, statistics, geography and more.

About 250 experienced interviewers from all over the country who perform the fieldwork (in-depth interviews, observations, telephone interviews, face-to-face interviews, mystery shopper, etc.)

The company conducts online surveys based on an online panel, interviews via e-mails, and digital feedback via text messages, and a variety of other methods

The company operates a computerized survey system for conducting face-to-face interviews

geokg operates from the company’s offices in the Kardan Building in Tel-Aviv, covering an area of about 800 square meters, including the management and research offices and the research logistics division

geokg’ Research Logistics Division has extensive capabilities in organizing and conducting complex studies, including telephone surveys and face-to-face interviews throughout Israel – in all populations, in all sectors and languages.

The telephone surveys are conducted by the Computerized Telephone Surveys Center (CATI), which includes 70 telephone stations

The focus groups are held in a fully equipped facility that allows viewing the group through a one-way glass wall


Keep on being a leading company in its fields of activity

A company with a high intellectual property, in relation to high intellectual capital

A company in the front of professional progress in its fields of activity

A company that creates great value for its customers

A company that is a home for its employees, which invests in its human resources as a major asset

A company whose employees are devoted, to providing excellent service to its customers

A company and a brand that are a symbol of professional credibility, whose reputation is distributed by satisfied customers
